Friday, May 31, 2013

First stop: Marquette

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First leg was to head due north to Marquette, in spring.  It was March last time I was there, which was still spring, but you can see the difference.

Here is Lake Superior in March:

And here is Lake Superior in May during break-up(courtesy of Misa):

The Marquette Community Garden offered up some soil for me to put my hands into (yay!) as well as mulch-shoveling manual labor.  The fruit of that labor is going to be pesto.  Lots and lots of pesto.  And tomatoes.

An evening pancake craving led to...

And a sugar craving for Doncker's salted caramels and gummy bears led to a candy legos impulse buy.  Are these not the most amazing idea?  They actually work!

The following pictures of snowshoeing I'm including for a few reasons even though these are from March. 1) they're with my favorite Marquette person.  2) look at the sky.  and 3) there's just something about walking on a frozen lake.

Let's see if this video works?

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